SBI! Results

Saturday, December 05, 2009


Hey all!
Wow it has been quite some time since I have not updated! Many have asked me to keep up on the blog. But ever since I have gotten back home I have been on the go. I have been getting involved in many different things. Such as teaching English, Beekeeping, Photography and helping my parents in the ministry...

On the weekends I have been teaching English at my brother's English School and has been an awesome experience!

While in the States I worked on a bee farm. I learned many new techniques and how to better work with the bees. It has been an incredible challenge because we have the Africanized bees which are very violent!!! One hive that I had I would get like 20 stings on my neck and about 30 else where! I found a hive that is tamer and tried to make queens from them and while in the process of the experiment I moved the boxes closer to the village to keep a better eye on them but forgot to put oil on the cans so the ants won't get them. We lost the 5 hives. I am really frustrated at the set back. We still have some boxes to retrieve in the jungle but have not been able to. Still waiting, after 2 years, to get the jeep fixed. So my dad's truck won't get all banged up on the bad road. Right now we are out of a honey flow so I am learning the best method to feed them. I covet your prayers to get this thing moving so we can go beyond our sphere of influence and reach into other peoples lives by taking beekeeping into other parts of the country and providing jobs and services to better people's lives not only materially but to reach out touch them with the Love of God!
Our first harvest after 2 months being back. We lost half of the honey when the truck broke down. Gil (Lolly's boyfriend) and I had to walk back to the tribe, 7 km!
Gil with the wild hive!!
Right before we tried to get the honey but the truck broke. =(
Gil and I fixing up a gate. We were looking for other places around the country to put the bees and asked different people. We found one man who said we could. He just asked us to fix his gate! It isn't going like I had hope right beside an eucalyptus plantation but it is an excellent location to establish a bee farm! Lets see what the future holds!
Also, while in the States I was a new DSL Camera. I have been able to get some pretty amazing shots as I learn how to use it! I laid the camera on the ground ( on a sheet of course) and took the picture and allowed it to capture the stars. I look ghost like because i stepped out while it was taking the picture of the stars. =)
Now I am working on setting up a Studio as a "tent making business" as my Grandpa calls it. =) All the rest of the pictures I took were taken in my little Studio!
Dave, Rau and Family....
Dad and Mom...
Grammy and Grandpa, they will be with us a little bit longer and then they will be heading southern Brazil. I will miss them greatly. =/
Ms. Lois, has come to Brazil and take part with my parents in the Ministry and is learning Portuguese! It is amazing as she has left the States and come to Brazil to pour into the lives of the Indians!
Gil, Lolly, Oli and Me...
me and Oli... =)
again...for family who want to see more pictures... =)
Gil and Lolly....
Another one for family... =)

I dont have one of Darel and Bella on hand but when I do I will update it again!



1 comment:

Bill and Rosalie said...


How time flies! I is great to see you and your family again. Stay focused on God's work because where your focus is that is where you will go.


Bill Benson